University Is More Than Just Grades—It’s About People

Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

University Is More Than Just Grades—It’s About People

The other day, a friend and I were reminiscing about our university days. We realized something that made us a little sad—because of COVID, we never really got the chance to bond properly with our peers. We probably only knew about 30% of the people in our batch. Of those, 20% have moved away from Penang for work, and only 10% of us still keep in touch. That means a huge 70% of our batchmates have just disappeared from our lives, never really forming connections with us.

Then my friend told me something that gave me hope. A junior recently approached him, feeling completely demotivated in his studies and looking for advice. It made me so happy to hear that instead of struggling alone, he chose to reach out. That’s how it should be—uni isn’t just about grades or assignments. It’s about growing together, supporting one another, and making real, lasting friendships.

If I could go back, I’d make sure we all looked out for each other more. Not just sticking to the same few people we always hung out with, but making an effort to talk to that quiet classmate, check in on the ones who seem to be struggling, and just be more present.

To current students—don’t box yourselves in. University is one of the best times of your life, but not because of the grades. It’s the friendships that make it special.

Go out there, get involved, do sports together, have fun, and be there for one another. If you see someone struggling, reach out. A small conversation can go a long way.

Another thing we realized—there’s such a big gap between students and alumni. And that’s a shame. Students could really benefit from hearing the struggles of those who’ve been in their shoes before, and alumni would probably love the chance to give back. It’s a win-win.

So my friend and I have been throwing around some ideas on how to bridge that gap. Something simple, like a space where students who struggle to make friends or feel lost can find guidance and connection—not just among their peers, but with alumni too. We live close to the uni now, so why not do something about it?

At the end of the day, we just want to see people connect more. Whether you’re a student or an alumnus, don’t be afraid to reach out. Build those relationships. You never know what kind of impact a simple conversation can have. And who knows? The friendships you make now might last a lifetime.

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